Sunday School begins at 10 am and is available for Kids of all ages (and adults).
- Grades K - 6: Room 3
- Grades 7 - 12: Room 4
Mark your calendars for June 23-27, 2025! This will be one of the highlights of the summer! Join us on an epic journey! Wonder and amazement await us each day at Wonder Junction, where kids gather at the All Aboard Assembly, a high-energy beginning that includes wacky intros, lively songs, a Mission Moment, and prayer.
Sunday school
Sunday School begins at 10 am and is available for Kids of all ages (and adults).
Kid's Classes (age 4 - Grade 6)
Children are dismissed for Kid's Church just before the sermon portion of our Sunday morning worship service.
Keeping Kids Safe:
Study Hall: Homeschool Option for Families:
As the new school year is beginning, we would like to make you aware of an option for our homeschooling families. For the last several years, we have hosted families on our campus to meet as they educate their children. This year we will continue to offer this opportunity. We would like to extend this invitation to families to participate in "Study Hall". Study Hall will meet Mondays from 10-2 and Wednesdays from 2-6. (We will transition to Family Life Night at the conclusion of Study Hall on Wednesday evenings. We will also use this time to eat a meal together as families and work on life skills. Spouses are welcome and encouraged to join us during this time.) Each family will provide their own materials of independent study for their children and monitor their own progress. Gathering together will provide the opportunity for a short Bible lesson, social interaction, and independent study. Parent participation is required to help make Study Hall successful for each student. Each parent will need to provide clearances for themselves to follow safe sanctuary protocols. We pray that the Lord will use this homeschooling opportunity for His glory as we foster and grow our relationship with Him and each other. Please register your child(ren) at the following link so that we have an accurate count of participants. Looking forward to a successful year of learning together!
* Schedule: Monday
* 10-12 study hall
* 12-1 Lunch and Free time or game
* 1-1:20pm - Devotions
* 1:20-2 study hall
* Wednesday
* 2-2:20 devotions
* 2:20-3:30 study hall
* 3:30-4:30 break
* 4:30 to 5:30 alternate between art, science, and life skills
* 5:30 dinner
* 6:00pm clean up